OO Trophy 06 - Petworth Park - 6 June 06 - Results

OO Trophy Winners are amazingly and for the first time all unchanged from the previous year:
Senior Man: Mike Murray SLOW
Senior Lady: Sarah Brown SLOW
Junior Man: Nicholas Jarvis SO
Junior Lady: Nicola Rowlett MV
Click for more on the OO Trophy including runners-up...

Winner of the Capability Brown (pictured) Prize for fastest time around the Brown 10k in just over 4.2 minutes/km is Nick Barrable (FVO)
Man of the match is David Abrams (GO)

Click here for the detailed results index.

Click for the Organiser's/Planners'/Controller's comments.

Stringless String course results are here!

Guildford Orienteers is grateful to the National Trust for permission to use Petworth Park for this event, and especially to Carole Sawyer and Gary Liddle for their help